Wednesday, December 2, 2009

one month post op!

Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since my surgery! It is amazing how the body heals itself. I am so HAPPY to be "on the other side'~ I know, Radiation will begin soon- But, somehow after chemo & surgery that does not sound so daunting.
The biggest challenge for me was getting cellulitis (where? you ask. The right side~ where the lymph nodes were removed and I had two drains) . I was on two antibiotics that I finally finished today! I was so humbled when I felt so awful. Doing the simple tasks (like taking off a shirt) was nearly impossible. Thankfully, susan was here to nurture me back. I guess the good news is that I lost the 10 extra pounds I put on from the steroids.
I am driving again, wearing my "regular' clothes, & feel like "ME". What a blessing.
One of the "coolest" things that occurred during this journey is that through "Angels List" ( I was able to have a complimentary facial once a month from a lovely local (& Green) spa. My esthetician, Raquel, (who is so amazingly kind & gentle) gave me an "Angel' bracelet. I needed to make a wish & keep it on until it fell off. Well......... I went through chemo with it (still on) surgery, still on. Then came home. I received two phone calls 30 minutes apart (From my Oncologist & the surgeon) both telling me that the pathology report was clear! (No more cancer) Susan looked next to me on the bench & there was my "broken" Angel bracelet! I do believe in miracles!
Thanksgiving was wonderful. Rosalie came home. Finally! It was also her 21st birthday! It was so great to enjoy our families, outside in warm weather & wonderful food.
I meet with the radiation oncologist this Friday. Chapter III to follow .

1 comment:

  1. That gave me goosebumps , Sydney. All good news. The radiation will seem like nothing compared to what you have been through..Mine took about five minutes for 36 visits. I got to be great friends with everyone of the techs...
    Have a very happy holiday
