Thursday, December 17, 2009

Surprise Surgery

Yesterday, Wednesday, the 16th of December started out as a great day! Rosalie & I met Lindsay at the gym. Then, had tea with Mimi & Sadie. Our plans were to have lunch with Lindsay (so she could have an opportunity to talk to Rosalie about film production) & then go see "Up in the Air" with Lucy & Harry.
Whoa!!! A call from my radiation oncologist (on our way to Fresco) . He says I can't begin radiation until my Right Expander comes out! Too much metal for accuracy. Really?! Wasn't this all discussed prior to the expanders being inserted during my mastectomy 6 weeks ago?! "Well, yes~ but, there is too much metal. They need to be removed ASAP." OK. So, I speak with my Plastic Surgeon (who already just spoke with the radiation oncologist) "Don't eat! We will take out the right expander today at 4 PM". So, I sit with Rosalie & Lindsay (starving!) don't eat lunch, cancel the movie, & organize myself & our favorite anesthesiologist for a 4 PM surgery.
Rosalie took me to the hospital & lovingly hung out with me as we prepared for surgery. Susan had a meeting that could not be changed. She helped me get 'set up", went to her meeting & was there in recovery. Everything went perfect. No pain & no nausea! Thanks Dr. V!
This morning I go for my 2nd CT scan so that radiation can begin Monday~ winter solstice.
Rosalie & I are determined to see the movie we missed (yesterday) Today!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing. The patience of a doula! I am so glad you have such good support at any given instance.
